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Language Ccpp Cref Problems UNIX2DOS.C

/ *************************************************************************
 * problem: Convert Unix files to DOS format.
 * Method:  Program scans for hex '0A' (LF) and replaces it with hex '0D0A' (CRLF)
 * todo:	 Prompt the user for a filename, and check it exists.
 * Author:  M J Leslie
 * Date:    12-Mar-94

#include <stdio.h>			/* printf, putchar, fopen, fclose */

#define LF	 10
#define CR	 13
#define FILENAME "unix2dos.c"

FILE *fptr;				/* Pointer to file		*/
char ch;				/* File buffer			*/

fptr = fopen(FILENAME, "r");

while ( (ch = fgetc(fptr)) != EOF )	/* read characters until EOF 	*/
   if ( ch == LF ) printf("%c", CR);	/* add CR if we see an LF	*/
   putchar(ch);				/* write byte		  	*/

file: /Techref/language/ccpp/cref/PROBLEMS/unix2dos.c, 0KB, , updated: 1997/4/21 09:53, local time: 2024/6/1 03:03,

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